Becoming A New Member

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 Why Become a Grayling Rotary Club Member?

Belonging to the Grayling Rotary Club gives one instant connections to the community and community leaders.  If you are new to the area or grew up in this community this will get you connected to all the major business owners or managers that are pliers of this great town of Grayling. All members are committed to helping one another in their business and professional lives, if needed.  Members help to identification of available services and goods right her in our local community. Also, belonging to the Grayling Rotary Club connects you not only locally but also with statewide businesses.  Friendships are formed and the many personal connections open up a variety of social and personal relationships. Find out who are the real movers and shakers in this great town of ours.  Plus-we have fun!

How to Qualify as a Rotarian

Qualified candidates for Rotary membership are adults of good character and good business and professional reputation who hold or have held an executive position with discretionary authority in any worthy and recognized business or profession.  

There are two types of Rotary Club membership, active and honorary:
  • Active members must meet the above qualifications as well as live or work within the club's locality or surrounding area.  
  • Honorary members have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the advancement of Rotary ideals and are considered friends of Rotary for their permanent support of Rotary's cause.

Should you be interested in becoming a Rotarian-just let a Rotarian know!  It will be the Rotarian's responsibility to start the membership process.  In addition to starting the process, the Rotarian is responsible for bringing you to several lunch meetings so you get familiar with our club.  The sponsoring Rotarian will fill out a membership proposal form and send it on to the membership committee.  The board votes on all members and the response should come within 30 days. Once accepted by the board of directors then the approval will be offered to the membership for seven days. Once there is no objection you will be contacted to be inducted with your sponsor at one of our regular weekly meetings.

Obligations of Membership

Rotarians are required to attend the Rotary lunch meetings.  One can make up a missed meeting on-line or at another club anywhere in the world.  Working at one of our fundraisers will be counted as a make-up too. Another way to obtain a make-up is getting involved with the Rotary Reader Program at the high school it counts. There is even another way by attending our monthly board meeting the last Monday of the month. A 50% attendance is the minimal requirement for membership.

Our Grayling Rotary Club is an active club, meaning all members participate in the fund raising efforts, meetings and events to the best of their ability.  Remember our major goal is to give back to our community and worldwide.

There is a small cost in becoming a member which is monthly dues of $15.00 plus $8.00 per week for the cost of the lunches. These charges will be billed to you on quarterly basics. If you bring a guest to the weekly meeting you will be charged for your guests' meal on your invoice. You will not be charged for bring a potential new member to attend one of weekly meetings. You are encouraged to introduce new outstanding business people to join our prestigious club.

What is Rotary?

Rotary was established in 1905 by a businessman named Paul Harris in Chicago. Rotary is the oldest service club organization in the world. The Grayling Rotary Club is part of a world-wide organization that encompasses over 1.2 million members with 32,000 clubs divided into 529 districts in over 200 countries.  The Grayling Rotary Club was founded in 1972.

The Grayling Rotary Club is in District 6290 which is comprised of clubs located in southwestern Michigan from Holland to Sault Ste Marie and east into the Canadian communities of WaWa and Blind River.  There are over 7,000 members in our district alone.  

Being a Rotarian instantly connects you to a congenial network of community leaders. We commonly share values and an interest for supporting local, national and international projects.  

Our motto, Service Above Self, is our inspiration to work toward the betterment of our community, country, and world.  We also believe in the Four Way Test to help promote high ethical standards in our professional lives.  The Four Way Test asks the following questions:
  • Is it the TRUTH?
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary has Four Avenues of Service.  They are the following:
  • Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effectiveness of the club.
  • Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical standards.
  • Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in our community.
  • International Service encompasses expanding Rotary's humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote would understanding and peace.

What Do We Do?

Weekly, Rotarians meet for lunch at a local restaurant on Wednesdays at noon.  At these luncheons, we many times have speakers who inform Rotarians on a variety of interesting topics.  If needed, we also conduct a short business meeting, informing the members of upcoming events and community projects the club is involved in.  

We also conduct fund raising projects that the club has agreed upon doing.  Annually, Rotary raises about $20,000 to support local and some international projects.

Among the projects we support are the following:

  • Scholarships for high school students (vocational and academic)
  • Rotary Reader Program to help struggling high school students
  • Youth Recreational programs
  • Military Family Support
  • Food bank contributions
  • Provide young children with bicycle helmets
  • Christmas party that includes less fortunate children
  • Any the programs that will help our community

  • Eradication of Polio worldwide
  • Clean Water Initiative
  • Youth International Exchange
  • Group Study Exchange
  • World Literacy

Grayling Rotary Fund Raisers include these efforts
  1. Garage Sale (June)
  2. Rotary chicken BBQ (during the Canoe Marathon weekend)
  3. Black Bear Bicycle Tour (from Grayling to Oscoda-the Sunday of the Canoe Marathon)
  4. Calendar Sales (November)
  5. Golf Outing (August)
  6. Disc Golf Tournament (Spring)
  7. Christmas Concert (December)
  8. Any other great opportunities to raise funds

Grayling Rotary Yearly Membership Events
  1. The Rotary Awards Dinner (April)
  2. Rotary Summer Picnic (August)
  3. Officer and Board elections (Oct-Nov)
  4. Children's Christmas Party (December)
  5. Events that will gather the membership together.