Welcome Maze Stephan

Welcome Maze Stephan![]() The Grayling Rotary Club would like to Welcome it's newest member Maze Stephan!! Maze was inducted to the Grayling Rotary Club on July 21st, 2021. We are so proud to have Maze bring her Engineering background to our great organization and look forward to helping her promote Technology and Engineering throughout our School District and community programs! |
Another Black Bear in the Books!!July 10th, 2021 The Grayling Rotary Club celebrated its 20th Annual Black Bear Gran Fondo!! |
The gavel has been passed!The gavel has been passed! A very grateful club thanks Rich Doe for keeping the club moving forward through a tough year, and wishes incoming President Justin Andre the best of luck for this upcoming year!! Also a congratulations to Rich Doe for earning Rotarian of the Year and The Paul Harris Fellowship Awards!! Well deserved! ![]() |
Annual Election MeetingThe Grayling Rotary Club annual meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016.
In accordance with the club's bylaws, an election of officers shall occur during the annual meeting. The officers to be elected by ballot are:
A proposal to modify the club's attendance policy was approved by the Board of Directors on October 17, 2016. The proposal will be presented to the membership for approval at the annual meeting. A majority voice vote of the membership quorum (1/3 of the membership) is required for acceptance. The existing attendance policy requires an aggregate 60% attendance record to sustain club membership in any 12 month period. The ByLaw modification "encourages 50% attendance" at meetings and activities.
The Club's committee assignment list is enclosed with this bulletin. The committees will also be updated in ClubRunner by the end of this week. The first name listed is intended to act as chairperson for the respective committee. Please note that a brief written quarterly report of the committee's activity is desired. The report should be sent to the Board of Directors for information and deliberation.
The Board has continued to proceed to support a "major project" at Hanson Hills consisting of a proposed 40'x20'x10' pavilion. Bids are pending as of October 17, 2016. The next Board meeting is scheduled for noon on Monday November 21, 2016.
Rotary International Learning CenterDid you know that Rotary International has a Learning Center where Rotarians can learn about Rotary, its structure, club roles, and more?
Visit https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/learning-reference and explore what they have to offer. They have information and learning courses for the following (and more):
If you have not already created/activate a myrotary user account, you may need to do that to access some of these features, but it's a free account with Rotary International and you should probably have one anyway.
Welcome to Rotary International Year 2015-2016Our new Rotary Year (2015-2016) begins today, July 1st, 2015. This brings the following changes to our organization locally and globally:
Grayling's new president John Ward assumes his position today. Immediate Past President Brad Scheer passed the gavel to John in a small ceremony at last week's meeting.
Immediate Past District Governor Al Bonney has made way for Tom Schmidt and his wife Denise to take over as our District 6290 Governor.
At the International level leadership has also changed hands. Below is an exerpt from Rotary International's web site about our new RI President:
This excerpt from the July issue of The Rotarian magazine profiles the 2015-16 RI president. Before he gives a speech, K.R. Ravindran doesn’t like flowery, adulatory introductions. They make him uncomfortable. The 2015-16 Rotary president would rather keep a low profile and share the credit. If it were up to him, you probably wouldn’t even be reading this article. Negotiating Days of Tranquility during the Sri Lankan civil war so that health workers could administer drops of polio vaccine? Although it was on his desk that the agreement landed, he says, a lot of people worked to make that happen. Rebuilding 23 tsunami-damaged schools for 14,000 children? He merely led the committee. Taking a label-printing business from a small outfit operating in a space the size of a garage to a global powerhouse in the packaging business that has helped change the value-added tea industry in his country? Well, he simply happened to be in the right place at the right time. “I’m sometimes introduced as a self-made man,” says Ravindran, a member of the Rotary Club of Colombo. “You’ve got to be utterly egocentric to believe you are self-made. Each one of us is made because so many people helped us become who we are. One of the reasons I work so much for Rotary is that I have been helped by so many people, and often you never have a chance to reciprocate,” he explains. “The only way you can is by helping others. When the people I help ask me, ‘What can I do?’ I say, ‘Go and help someone else in return.’” For Ravindran, paying it forward isn’t a fad, it’s a way of life. His theme for this Rotary year, Be a Gift to the World, also summarizes his personal philosophy. Read the entire story (English only) |
Rotary Spring Throwdown Disc Golf FundraiserFrom Justin Andre's post to Grayling Rotary's Facebook:
Thanks to all who endured the rain, for the 5th Annual Grayling Rotary Spring Throwdown Disc Golf Fundraiser Event!! The Hanson Hills Disc Golf Club, organized the event and raised $900 for the Grayling Rotary Club!! Results can be found at: http://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Grayling_Rotary_Spring_Throwdown_2015
![]() Looks like a great event!
Mary Domsitz Approved For MembershipMary Domsitz has been proposed for membership by Stephanie Riemer-Matusak. Her membership was approved by the board and the membership committee. After 7 days with no objections she may be inducted into the club.
April 2015 Board Meeting SummaryThe Board met on Monday, April 20th. A summary of what was accomplished is below:
1) Secretary and Treasurers reports are on the sign-in table today. This is the last week for hard copies at the meeting. Reports will be available on ClubRunner soon.
2) Quarterly dues report for all members will be available soon. 3) Lucy Hoste-McCraven has been approved by the membership committee and by the board. |
New Grayling Rotary Pine Knoll Disc Golf Course Open(Story courtesy of Hanson Hills) Hanson Hills has 9 New Disc Baskets, placed White Short Tee posts, Blue Long Tee posts and is open for serious fun. Our main goal was to accommodate the beginning to intermediate disc golf players and members of the community that just want to get out and enjoy a beautiful stroll through the Hanson Hills refuge and old Pine Knoll campground. The first Tees are set on the edge of the tree line next to the Softball field and begin with an easy 135’, right curving shot into the woods. Every hole is a Par 3, with distances averaging only 218 feet from the Short White Tees. All 9 holes have Blue markers for Long Tees shots as well. Beginners can start with the shorter shots the first time through the loop then shoot a round from the Long Blue Tees the second round for a slightly harder but completely different look at the same basket. Long Blue Tees average 290 feet per hole, with one Par 4 hole in the wide open fairway of Hole #7. (For those keeping track in GRAs “Walk 100 Program” the White Loop is a total of 3,425 feet and Blue Loop is 4,071 feet. A full round of 18 Holes is approximately 1 ½ miles walked. Keep logging those miles…) The course is certainly playable and we will add little details as fast as we can to make this new course as great as our Grayling Rotary Championship level course! Don’t forget we have Beginner Discs in the Main Lodge to rent, or starter sets to purchase to get you going in this great outdoor summer fun. |
Children Receive Bicycle HelmetsThe 14th annual Bicycle Safety Rodeo for children grades kindergarten through fifth was held Saturday, May 21th. Aproximately 80 children attended the event which included having their bikes safety checked and riding through a designated safety course. The Grayling Rotary distributed bicycle helmets to all who participated. |
Rick Grisham Receives Paul Harris AwardRick Grisham, Past President for the Grayling Rotary Club, was selected for this year's Paul Harris award for his activities in the club. The award was presented during the annual awards dinner on Wednesday night March 23rd at the Ramada Inn. Andy Moore was selected as the Service Above Self/Rotarian of Year receptiant for his work in organizing the Disc Golf course located at Hanson Hills. Perfect attendance pins were also presented to 14 club members during the banquet. |
Melvin (Pat) Nunn Passes AwayPat passed away Friday, March 4, 2011 at Bay Regional Medical Center in Bay City surrounded by his family. Cremation has taken place. A memorial service was held on Thursday, March 10th at Michelson Memorial United Methodist Church in Grayling, MI. Pat was born to Clifton (Kick) and Florence Nunn of Rochester, Michigan. While attending Rochester High, Pat was active in sports. He received the Michigan Honor Boy award his senior year. He went on to Central Michigan University where he met his wife Nancy, of 51 years. They were married on August 22, 1959 in Fenton. Pat graduated with a BS is Education from Central Michigan University and a Masters from Michigan State University. He taught school at Clintondale High School. He entered the army as a Second Lieutenant. He served in Germany for 2 years. Upon returning to the states he transferred from the Army to the Michigan National Guard. He also he served as teacher/principal at Flickinger Elementary in Utica. He and his family moved to Grayling where he held two full-time careers, principal at Grayling Elementary and then later Frederic Elementary and became fully active in the Michigan National Guard. Upon retiring from the school district he became a member of the Crawford AuSable School Board. He was second in command at Camp Grayling and transferred from the National Guard to the Reserves. Pat retired from the service as a Colonel. He was active in the Masonic Lodge and the Shriners Organization. Pat was the president of the MEMSPA; Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principal’s Association and a life/charter member of the Grayling Rotary Club with perfect attendance. Pat was an active member in Michelson Memorial United Methodist Church where he was treasurer for many years. Most recently, he was a member the 6th Battalion Michigan Volunteer Defense Force as the Battalion Commander. Besides all of his involvements, he and Nancy managed to find time to travel all over the country and attend many of his grandchildren’s events. |
Quote of the Week - Who Said It?We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.
Thought for the Week - Who Said It?An optimist is the human personification of spring.
Mark Your Calendars!Here you can post little tidbits of information, reminders, or anything else!
Security and Integrity of Your Data![]() ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, you can rest assured that your club data is safe and protected. Your members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.
Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site. |
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication![]() ClubRunner makes it easy to publish your weekly Club eBulletin, and send to all members and friends of the club, by incorporating home page stories and events with the push of a button.
Welcome to our new website!Welcome to our Rotary Club! |